Recommendations From CIMA

Read the CIMA Traffic Study recommendations HERE

TRAFIX Study Recommendations

Read the TRAFIX Study Recommendations HERE

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Our Response to the former Mayor of Montreal West

In his op-ed piece on December 17th, former mayor of Montreal West Campbell Stuart presents a mishmash of misrepresentations and unsupported facts to divert readers from some basic truths. He also shamelessly frames the argument as a choice between cars and children. Mr. Stuart, nobody is against the children - we just believe streets are for cars. 

We also believe in being factually correct, something that doesn’t seem to factor into Mr. Stuart’s editorial.


Montreal West's former Mayor replies to our Dec. 14, 2010 Op Ed article in The Gazette


Monday, December 20, 2010

♫ Take it down ♫ take it down ♫ take down the barricade ♫ Santa Claus can't make ♫ it up that 13% grade ♫

How was the Christmas carolling with a twist? Fantastic!

We gave out candy canes and contact information to many interested shoppers. A MoWest supporter stopped by with cookies for us. Mrs. Yoo, at the Fruit Bowl, was happy to let us carol in front of her store with our paper bollards & posters stuck in the vegetable bins! We had lively dialogue with those who were previously uninformed, those who reject the barricade and with even with those who support it! We were told that we made Montreal West feel more Christmassy.

In less than three hours of caroling, we got 80 Montreal West signatures on our petition! Some of those signatures were from the southwest sector where the barricade is located. 

Lachine Mayor Dauphin came out to support us and joined us in caroling for a good half an hour. He has a great singing voice!  Global News did a news story about our Christmas themed protest and it aired at 6 and 11 PM. We also got lots of our own great film footage for video #2 to be released this week.

Thank you to all those from our community who did such a terrific job and made the afternoon so much fun!

♫ We're all dreaming of a barricade-free Christmas ♫ just like the one we used to know ♫

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Aislin Barricade Cartoon in the Montreal Gazette

A special Thank You is extended to Aislin from The Devil's Hill Community for permission to post this image.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Gazette publishes an OP ED piece

Read the OP ED article published by The Montreal Gazette on Dec. 14, 2010.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Name the Barricade CONTEST WINNER!!! YAY!!!!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen the time has come to name the winner of our prestigious Name the Barricade Contest. There were several witty entries worthy of entering into the annals of The Devil's Hill Barricade Saga but only one that made this judge and jury Laugh out Loud and that is...    
"The Four Fingers" 
submitted by none other than...drum roll please... 

Friday, December 3, 2010

CTV The National News is doing a story on The Barricade Issue

We're going national! Tune into the CTV local news at 6 PM today and the CTV National News at 11 PM tomorrow for two different news reports about the barricade situation.

Comedian Scott Falconbridge takes on the Barricade

Read Scott's seriously funny take on the Devil's Hill Barricade